What is Genius easybox
Genius easybox is a service for sellers that enables package delivery to Genius subscribers through a multitude of lockers across Romania.
With Genius easybox, you have the opportunity to provide your customers with fast delivery to easyboxes and an extended 60-day return option.
Are you a seller?
Not yet a seller?
What are the advantages of Genius easybox
There are already 500,000 Genius subscribers
Genius customers generate 79% more orders compared to non-Genius customers
The eMAG Genius filter is used by 90% of eMAG customers
Genius products have higher visibility than other products, due to Genius label
You have a higher conversion rate for Genius products
The shopping cart of Genius customers is 2x larger than of non-Genius customers
Are you a seller?
Not yet a seller?
What are the eligibility conditions?
- Your seller account (with active or temporarily inactive products) is active
- The health status of your account is "Good" or "Needs improvement"
- You have at least one active product eligible for locker delivery
*The criterion does not apply if the seller has been active on the Marketplace for less than 3 months.
FAQ GENIUS easybox
How do I join the Genius easybox program?
In the Legal Documents section of your account, you can sign the Genius Addendum. After signing, all your eligible easybox products will receive the Genius label. If there are products you don’t want in the program, you can use the “Deactivate Genius Property” option in the My Offers menu.
Do I need to offer express delivery in the Genius easybox program?
In the Genius easybox program, it’s not necessary to offer express delivery, only to hand over packages to the courier according to the set delivery time.
When does the Genius contribution apply?
Starting from September 13, 2023, a Genius contribution of 2 RON + VAT is applied to all completed Genius orders that you’ve handed over to the courier. This doesn’t apply to returns.
How do I know the total value of my Genius contributions?
In the payment breakdown with each payout, you’ll see your Genius contributions for all eligible orders in the reference period.
How does the fast refund work for Genius returns?
Genius customers with a saved card in their account enjoy a quick refund as soon as the package is collected from the easybox by the courier. If the returned products reach you damaged, please send us evidence via messaging for potential compensation.
If you're already a seller on the Marketplace and want to learn how to use Genius easybox more effectively, enter the Academy
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